Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Agents of the Apocalypse ~ David Jeremiah (Chapters 1 & 2)

I'm reading Agents Of the Apocalypse by Dr David Jeremiah that I borrowed from my grandma (like many months ago!). Good stuff in here so far and I'm only on chapter 3! Here are some quotes from Chapter 1 & 2 that I loved!

Revelation in Greek: apokalypsis
Apocalypse in Greek: an uncovering, an unveiling, a manifestation of.
Purpose of Revelation: unveil the majesty/power of Jesus Christ.
The Rapture reference in Ch.1 vs.1 signifies that "shortly take place" means "suddenly comes to pass, rapid progression after something happens."
Idea: not necessarily soon, but suddenly & without warning
To say that an event is near means it is the next major occurrence on the prophetic calendar.

"There is nothing new to say on the subject. But there is a new way to say it. I read Revelation not to get more information, but to revive my imagination." -Eugene Peterson
Earth can be said as being "enemy occupied territory".
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, "Revelation was written in order that God's people who were passing through terrible persecutions/adversity might still be able to go on rejoicing."
Jesus could come at any minute. We need to have an, "I don't want Him to find me here" attitude.

Ch 2.
If not 1 believer remains after the rapture, how will people be saved during Tribulation?
-God's 2 witnesses will come into the world to prophesy and perform miracles.
-144,000 Israelites who are "sealed" for God's service (Rev. 7:4)
"Removal of believers from the world at the rapture will not remove the Scriptures." -Dr. Henry Morris
Marytrdom will be as common as it is uncommon in the West today.
(Rev. I 2:11; Ps. 44:22)
Revelation identifies the enemies of God as those who have shed the blood of His people. "Every faithful Christian must be prepared to die." -Richard Bauckham
Rev. 1:9, John's exile. The restraint of the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth!
"If there is not anything to be saved from, we do not need a savior." -Dr. W. A. Criswell
Rev. 6:9 - John's vision shifts from Earth back to heaven.
The age of grace will turn into the age of judgement.
The Lord provides 5 comforts for these martyred souls:
1. Refuge
-Donald Grey Barnhouse: "We are not to think that John had a vision of an altar with souls peeping out from underneath. The altar was the place of the sacrifice of blood. To be 'under the altar' is to be covered in the sight of God by that merit which Jesus Christ provided in dying on the cross. It is a figure that speaks of justification."
2. A Robe
-Dr. John Walvoord offers a possible answer on if people who died during the Tribulation have physical bodies: "The fact that they are given robes would almost demand that they have a body of some kind. A robe could not hang upon an material soul or spirit. It is not the kind of body that Christians now have (the body of earth), nor is if the resurrection body of flesh and bones of which Christ spoke after His own resurrection. It is a temporary body suited for their presence in heaven but replaced in turn by their everlasting resurrection body given st the time of Christ’s return."
3. A Rest
-Rev. 6:11; Rev. 14:13
4. Retribution
-Rev. 14:18-20
5. A Reward
-Rev. 20:4.  Justice/peace that eluded them during their lifetime.

**A Christian is martyred every 4-5 minutes.

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